Levi's Mission News

Levi's Mission News

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 1 in Idaho!

Hey Y'all,
I woke up at 2:30 am Tuesday morning (October 6th) and got on a bus which took me to a train which took me to another train and then got me on a plane. We rode on the smallest plane I done ever ridden on. About an hour later landed in Boise which is known as "The city of Trees". So I went outside and saw two little twigs sticking out of the ground that they call "trees". 

I also learned what Boise State Broncos are, which is funny cause everyone here, hears more about Georgia Vs Alabama than Boise State. 

The air here constantly smells like cigarettes and the water tastes like pencil shavings (don't ask how I know that). The people here are sweeter than sweet tea and DEFINITELY are good at taking care of the missionaries. My companion is Elder Thompson, we are very different people and didn't exactly get along too well from the start. BUT we have been able to find our similarities and are able to build a better relationship off that. He's been out for a year now and says that: "I'm lucky to have him as a companion". 

I get fed every night. When I first got here we went to a boring meeting that didn't really apply to visa waiters. Then for lunch we had Idaho's attempt at making pulled pork which was dryer than an overdone 2 dollar steak. 

I finally got a temporary bike on Saturday and now don't have to walk. The wards we cover are basically two neighborhoods that are right next to each other (so our area's small). We are helping a guy from Scotland restore his RV and he enjoys my "Georgia Twang".   He's married  and has 2 kids and is investigating the church. We also helped set up a wedding reception for a couple people in our ward and made it easier to get to know people better. Elder Thompson is very good at playing the piano and plays country songs while I sing to them. Weird but we found something in common and are starting to become friends. 

The wards I cover is De Meyer park, and Hickories ward in the Meridian North Stake. According  to the Hickories ward I said "Y'all" too much when I bared my testimony on Sunday during fast and testimony meeting. We also have another investigator (Derek and Mary) who are gonna be  baptized in November. We helped them set up their garage sale and mowed their lawn. 

I have been pretty homesick this week, but have strengthened my relationship with Jesus. I now know why I'm in Boise, and am starting to realize why God is sending me to India. The scripture I pondered a lot this week was John 3:16. Me sacrificing my life for two years is nothing compared to what Jesus did for us. Anyways last thing is we taught a nice couple last night, and will see them next week. 
Elder Magnusson 

                                                                 This photo is from the MTC

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear about your journey, Levi. We are thinking of you. Kim and Bob
